Dear subscriber of DataM newsletters,
Here you have a resume of relevant events in our website, after last bulletin of the 25th of May.
The EU agricultural balance sheets
First and foremost, from July the balance sheets has a new methodological report, replacing the first edition of five years before. Besides taking into account the many changes occurred during this period, this report analyses the usage and diffusion of the tool, the communication challenges, the publication as open and FAIR data, the API for allowing machines to interact with the data, and the perspectives for future improvements.
Second, we have now an on-line form available at, where you can express your say on the balance sheets.
Finally, after the deep renewal of Spring 2023, we had two releases: the edition Summer 2023 and Autumn 2023. About new features, we would like to highlight the expansion of the database to two furhter agricultural sectors: Peaches & Nectarines and Tomatoes.
A complete list of what is new in the balance sheets is always updated here.
The "CAP Strategic Plans" data
From 10th of August, DataM hosts the "CSP Master file".
The file, created for research purposes, contains data compiled to facilitate the analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027.
Please note that regular CSP updates can be found at the Agri-food Data Portal, CAP Indicators 2023-2027:
To know more, find here the release note.
PANAP - The Pan-African Network for economic Analysis of Policies
From the PANAP website within DataM, you can follow all the activities and outcomes of the network. Highlights in the recent period:
About new data, please check the release of the Social Accounting Matrix of Cameroon (see here) and the related integration in the Job calculator
We also invite you to check the publications under the new section for “PANAP working papers”:
On 28th July, the DataM product "EU biomass flows" was updated with data 2020. See here.
On 7th November DataM released a new pilot product called "BioRegEU" with the aim to fill the data gap on the socioeconomic contribution of the bioeconomy at the subnational level. See here.
We also would like to highlight the recent publication of various biomass reports by the Joint Research Centre and the European Environment Agency: see here to know more.
Resilience Dashboards
Resilience Dashboards interactive page is powered by DataM and embedded in the Europa webiste at this link.
As every year, data of the Resilience Dashboards were updated; the version 2023 takes on board data up to 2021.
The update is in two steps: in May the EU data, in September/October the global data.
The Spring version came with a methodology report where you can see refinements and adjustments to selected indicators, to further align the dashboards with the information set used in the Country Reports of the European Semester.
For Summer release, a methodology report is issued on top of the Spring version.
Please look to the renewed dashboard of DataM publications, where you can always check the issue of scientific outcomes of the JRC and partners in the field of agri-food/resource economics.
It is always updated and available by clicking on "Publications" on the main menu of the website.
Upcoming - The inaugural "EU Agri-Food days" with the Agricultural Outlook Conference
The event will take place in Brussels, 5 - 8 December 2023, as on-site event with web streaming. Please check the official page to know more.
Contextually to the Outlook, DataM will update its commodity flows dashboard
DataM webmaster
EC Data/Modelling platform of resource economics
DisclaimerThe views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
We have three important highlights about our website: find them below, followed by a resume of all other recent developments.
1 - The EU agricultural balance sheets
The issue Spring 2023 of 5th April brings a product completely renewed in the look, and the addition of apples and oranges sectors. A complete list of the improvements is in this news.
The growth of the balance sheets continues! Next issue of Summer 2023 will go together with a new methodological report with the plans for further improving this service. The app will provide you also with a form to post user feedbacks. We will keep you updated
2 - The European Commission toolbox for using less chemical pesticides
Published in on last 28 February, this tool is already placed within the DataM products with most hits. An interest demonstrated, and favoured, by the ~70 thematic websites that published its link.
The toolbox is accompanied by a study commissioned by the EC Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural development, following a request from the European Parliament, which aims to provide knowledge on the most promising ways that could help farmers, advisors, and policymakers to reduce the dependency on pesticide use across the EU, as advocated in the European Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy and in the context of the European Green Deal.
Know more from the Europa website's news.
3 - The bioeconomy in 2020: Jobs and wealth in the EU bioeconomy update
This flagship product of DataM and of the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy was updated on 27th April with the most recent available estimates (2020) in collaboration with the nova-Institute.
In 2020, the bioeconomy in the EU provided 17.2 million jobs in biomass producing and converting sectors, which is about 8.3% of total employment. The value added reached 665 billion EUR, corresponding to a share of 4.9% of the total value added. Compared to 4.75% in 2019, the bioeconomy as a whole has shown a higher resilience than the rest of the economy.
A new technical report related to this data release is under finalization and will be announced in the KCB and DataM.
It happened in 2022/23...
The 3rd yearly update of the Resilience Dashboards is online from 24/05/23 (see news). This tool is a holistic assessment of resilience in the EU and its Member States, produced in DataM and exposed within the Europa pages of strategic foresight.
This version of the dashboards includes some additional refinements and adjustments to selected indicators, to further align with the information set used in the Country Reports of the European Semester. Eurostat-based indicators were reloaded on 28th April 2023.
For unfair trading practices (UTPs), on 16/05/23 the results of the 3rd round of the questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain have been published in this dashboard. Know more from the news.
Following the yearly issue of Agriculture Medium-term Outlook on 08/12/22, we updated the agricultural commodity flows
On 04/11/22, the EU Biomass flows dataset and dashboard were updated and a new publication was issued.
The PANAP annual meeting took place on 14/09/22 within the "Science and Partnership for Agriculture Conference" in Accra (Ghana). Works are resumed in the event official page, within the PANAP website. As an initiative of this workshop, PANAP has now a specific newsletter service. Subscriptions are open here.
During the week 13-17 March 2023, seven teams from African think-thanks, universities, government agencies and international organisations joined the JRC for the workshop "Economy-wide agricultural modelling with DEMETRA" (see news).
On 13/10/22, the "Making cocoa value chain more sustainable" online event took place in the context of the FAO Science & Innovation forum (see news).
Earlier, in February 2022, we released a dashboard linked to the report "The impacts of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area on the Kenyan economy" (see news), and on March 2022 the Jobs calculator was updated for Kenya (see news).
The Land Management for Sustainability (LAMASUS) project kick off took place on 13/10/22. The project provides tools and design processes allowing EU policymakers to assess the impacts of future land-use policies ahead of their implementation.
Following the publication of the European Commission’s reports to the Council and the Parliament on the experience gained from the implementation of plant health measures for intra and extra EU Trade a dashboard where one can explore the results of the questionnaires implemented to gather stakeholder feedback, was released on 07/02/22.
Disclaimer The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
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