The 7th African Conference of Agricultural Economists & 60th Annual AEASA Conference took place between 18 and 21 September 2023 in Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani Hotel, Durban, South Africa.
JRC.D.4 together with several colleagues involved in the PANAP network (AUC, and FARA) presented their work on the impact of the African Continental FTA (AfCFTA), and subsidy policy in Senegal.
PANAP has organised a plenary session on "Evidence-based policy analysis in Africa". Dr. Siliya (former Zambia Minister of Agriculture) and Professor Ricker-Gilbert (Purdue University) delivered two relevant keynote speeches looking at the issue of agricultural policy in general, input subsidy programs in Africa in particular and the relationship between researchers and policy makers to provide evidence-base policy support.
PANAP organised an invited panel on "Fostering African food sovereignty in a world of uncertainties" chaired by Emanuele Ferrari (JRC). The panellist were: Athur Mabiso (IFAD), O. Kirui (IFPRI), D. Siliya (Former minister of agriculture, Zambia) and Lara Cockx (JRC).
PANAP sponsored the participation of young African researchers, organising two session on the issue "Agroecology: potential for African farming system transformation" and "Sustainable agricultural practices and technologies".