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CAP Strategic Plans - Data

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027 adopts a performance and results-based approach, centred on ten objectives that serve as the framework for the national CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) of EU Member States.

On this page, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission makes publicly available some files compiled for research purposes to facilitate the analysis of the CAP. The files are not official documents and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission or the Member States.

CSPs Master file

The Master file of the CAP Strategic Plans of the EU Member States provides detailed information and data of all CSPs. The file was compiled in the JRC for research purposes to enable the general analysis of the new CAP and to facilitate the reflection of the CSPs in agro-economic models.

The information and data of the file encompasses the interventions and planned unit amounts (i.e., the financial information) related to:

  1. Direct Payments (e.g., Basic income support for sustainability, Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability, Schemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare, Coupled income support, etc.),
  2. Rural Development (e.g., Environmental, climate-related and other management commitments, Natural or other area-specific constraints, Investments, Risk management tools, etc.), and
  3. Sectoral interventions (e.g., Fruits and vegetables, Wine, Apiculture products, etc.)

In addition, the CSPs Master file contains data on Result Indicators, Conditionality GAECs, Minimum requirements for receiving direct payments, General financial information, and additional national financing provided within the scope of the CSPs.

The financial information in the file is structured having both all Member States together under the same criteria and individually per Member State. It needs to be mentioned that errors due to machine translations or during the data extraction cannot be excluded.

Note that these CSPs data is subject to future amendments and corrections by Member States. Regular CSP updates can be found at the Agri-food Data Portal, CAP Indicators 2023-2027:

Master file of the CAP Strategic Plans of the EU Member States
(8 MB - XLSX)

CSPs Farm practices file

The file provides a detailed labelling of interventions and planned unit amounts (PUA) in the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) for the reporting period 2023-27, aligning them with a standardised set of 298 farm practices. Since the exercise was motivated by research questions related to the impacts of CSPs on environmental indicators, the labelling is limited to interventions in the sections on eco-schemes and agri-environmental and climate measures (ENVCLIM). Conducted by a consortium of researchers from the JRC, the European Evaluation Helpdesk, and other academic institutions, the labelling primarily targets the research community (e.g. for modelling purposes). The current labelling results are streamlined with the official labelling results published by the European Evaluation Helpdesk and DG AGRI. However, due to a different focus (mainly on modelling and impact assessment) there can be slight differences. In particular, very general labels were removed if they did not provide added value, and some labels proposed by Member States were not adopted, while they were adopted in the Helpdesk’s approach. Moreover, the latest amendments of the CSPs are not considered in this file. However, these differences are expected to have a very limited impact on the outcomes, and overall the results of the two labelling results should be consistent.

The file is not an official document, and while the authors tried to ensure accuracy by using CSPs in their original languages and following consistent labelling guidelines, they do not guarantee the correctness of all results. The labelling differentiates between mandatory and optional PUA commitments (a single PUA may correspond to one or multiple farm practices) and provides information on land uses and livestock categories potentially covered by a PUA. The file can be linked to the CSP Master file via the PUA and regional codes.

Farm practices in Eco-schemes and AECMs in the CAP Strategic Plans of the EU Member States
(6 MB - XLSX)