Page title

Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Economic Development, Resources and Agriculture

The model

Developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Economic development Resources and Agriculture (DEMETRA) is a single-country computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, developed in GAMS.

The DEMETRA model is based on STAGE_DEV (Aragie, E. A., McDonald, S., & Thierfelder, K. (2016). A static applied general equilibrium model: Technical documentation: STAGE_DEV Version 2). STAGE DEV has been developed for the European Commission by Aragie, E., McDonald, S., and Thierfleder, K.

The JRC employs DEMETRA within the framework of the Pan African Network on the economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP).

DEMETRA investigates the economy-wide and distributional impacts of specific policies and/or structural shocks, sectoral transmission of sector-specific policies for sectors, agents and regions. DEMETRA is employed to produce ex-ante impact analyses mainly of food security related topics.

The key model features are:

DEMETRA is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.


Form to request the model code



Model results



ANSD – Senegal AU BOAD FARA KIPPRA – Kenya PSI – Ethiopia Tegemeo