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Workshop for the “The impact of the AfCFTA on the Tanzanian economy” in Dodoma, Tanzania

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On September 27th, Andrea El Meligi and Victor Nechifor (JRC D.4) participated in the restitution workshop in Dodoma for the "The impact of the AfCFTA on the Tanzanian economy" project led by the University of Dodoma and the Sokoine University of Agriculture.

The workshop aimed to bring together policy makers and researchers to discuss the outcomes of the project's modelling activities, which were supported by JRC D.4 through the PANAP network. Highlighting the distributional issues raised by trade liberalization, the workshop was an opportunity for the project team to engage with the representatives of various Tanzanian ministries (Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, National Irrigation Commission) on possible solutions to mitigate the adverse effects on specific sectors of the economy.

Additionally, the event marked the introduction of a new Social Accounting Matrix for Tanzania developed by JRC D.4. This database is expected to be a fundamental tool to researchers in Tanzania for assessing the country's economic and social interactions.


Restitution Workshop on the AfCFTA on the Tanzanian economy - Wed, 27 September 2023

  1. 09:00 - 09:30
  2. 09:35 - 10:25
    Opening remarks
    • 09:35 Directorates of UDOM, Deputy Vice Chancellor Office
    • 09:45 Representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (URT)
    • 09:55 Representative of the Ministry of Finance and Planning (URT)
    • 10:05 Dr. Andrea El Meligi and Dr. Victor Nechifor, European Commission’s JRC
  3. 10:25 - 10:35
    Official opening
    Principal of the College of Business and Economics of UDOM
  4. 10:35 - 10:45
    Participants introduction
    Dr. Asiya Maskaeva
  5. 10:45 - 11:30
  6. 11:30 - 12:00
    The Impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on the Tanzanian Economy
    Dr. Charles Mgeni (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania)
  7. 12:00 - 12:30
    Moderator Dr. Asiya Maskaeva
  8. 12:30 - 13:00
    2015 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for mainland Tanzania developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
    Dr. Andrea El Meligi and Dr Victor Nechifor, European Comission’s JRC
  9. 13:00 - 13:30
    Moderator Dr. Asiya Maskaeva
  10. 13:30 - 13:50
    Closing Remarks
    Principal of the College of Business and Economics of UDOM
  11. 13:50 - 14:30
    Lunch with participants
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