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The list of all DataM open data is in the JRC Data Catalogue.

Find below the alphabetical list of tools and data/dashboards from all DataM sections.


Database of thematic websites

Collection of thematic websites related to DataM. The condition to be in this list: having posted a link to DataM
Published: 07/06/2023

Farmer’s Toolbox for Integrated Pest Management

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Using less chemical pesticides: IPM toolbox of good practices
Published: 28/02/2023

Food System Monitoring - Dashboard

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Dashboard for the monitoring of the EU Food System.
Published: 26/11/2024

Jobs and wealth in the EU bioeconomy

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Employment, value added, and turnover in the EU bioeconomy, quantified by a JRC study using an output-based approach. Last update is based on a study of 2020.
Published: 21/02/2017 | Updated: 13/03/2024

CAP Strategic Plans - Master file

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A Master file of the CAP Strategic Plans of the EU Member States compiled by the JRC to facilitate the analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy and made available to the public.
Published: 10/08/2023

Medium-term Outlook commodity flows

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Agricultural commodity flows based on data from the EU agricultural medium-term outlook.
Published: 09/12/2021 | Updated: 11/12/2024

EU Biomass Flows

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Harmonised data and interactive Sankey diagram on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU, compiled by the JRC. The diagram enables deeper analysis and comparison of the different countries and sectors across a defined time series.
Published: 13/06/2017 | Updated: 28/07/2023

iMAP Explorer

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Explore the features of the different iMAP models (Aglink-COSIMO, AGMEMOD, CAPRI, IFM-CAP and MAGNET), such as indicators, commodities, granularity, time and space horizons, and the coverage of policy instruments displayed from different perspectives.
Published: 27/07/2021

BioRegEU. Pilot dataset for Jobs and Value Added in the Bioeconomy of EU regions

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Employment and value added in the bioeconomy of EU NUTS2 regions, estimated using a systematic combination of regional statistics and national output-based bio-based shares from the BMS-Jobs&Growth dataset. The period covered is 2008-2020.
Published: 07/11/2023 | Updated: 07/11/2023

Country dashboards

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A one-stop-shop infographics combining data from scattered sources on food/nutrition security and macroeconomics and agro-economics indicators for countries where food security and sustainable agriculture are focal sectors for EU intervention.
Published: 13/06/2019 | Updated: 03/10/2024

Jobs calculator

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What happens to employment if exports change? Try this interactive tool to simulate the effects of demand changes on jobs. Tool based on the Social Accounting Matrices. Simulation available for 30+ countries, including all EU, the UK, and some Africans.
Published: 09/04/2019 | Updated: 24/10/2023

PANAP Newslettters

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Subscription to the PANAP newsletters
Published: 28/09/2022

PANAP Navigator

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Tableaux de bord pour naviguer parmi les contenues du réseau panafricain pour l'analyse économique des politiques - Control board to navigate through the contents of the Pan-African Network for economic Analysis of Policies
Published: 06/09/2020

Data and dashboards

AfCFTA tariff offer analysis

Published: 22/01/2024 | Updated: 14/05/2024

AgCLIM50 - Phase 1

Study (2017) consisting in a global integrated assessment of the range of potential economic impacts of climate change and stringent mitigation measures in the agricultural sector.
Published: 22/06/2017 | Updated: 14/11/2018

AgMIP - Agricultural non-CO2 emission reduction potential in the context of the 1.5 °C target

Dataset produced in a study (2018) based on a multiple model assessment on the effects of agricultural methane and nitrous oxide emissions and their role to play in achieving a 1.5°C (above pre-industrial) climate stabilization target.
Published: 17/12/2018

AgMIP - Food insecurity and global climate change mitigation policy

Dataset produced in a study (2018) based on a multiple model assessment on the combined effects of climate change and climate mitigation efforts on agricultural commodity prices, dietary energy availability, and the population at risk of hunger.
Published: 30/07/2018

AgMIP - Phase 1

Data produced by the Agricultural Model Intercomparison-Improvement Project (AgMIP), a international collaboration to improve the state of agricultural simulation and to understand climate impacts on the agricultural sector at global and regional scales.
Published: 31/05/2017

ASGTS - Kenya

Study (JRC & FAO-MAFAP, 2018) to explore ex-ante socioeconomic impacts of alternative agricultural policies, driving to development options recommended to support the final decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) of Kenya
Published: 26/06/2018

Bio-based industry and biorefineries

Distribution of the bio-based industry (and biorefineries) in the EU, including the following production: bio-based chemicals, liquid biofuels, bio-based composites and fibres, biomethane, pulp&paper, sugar, starch and timber.
Published: 02/03/2020

Biomass estimates

Estimates for production and residues of agricultural biomass in EU. Dataset produced in a study of 2015.
Published: 26/04/2017

BIOMONITOR - Bioeconomic shares

Development of the national income share of the bioeconomy for 27 European Union Member States plus the UK, and 16 industries, resulting from a study of the BIOMONITOR H2020 project based on input–output approach.
Published: 10/03/2021 | Updated: 16/04/2021

BIOMONITOR - Market data for bio-based chemical product applications

Presentation of BioMAT database which is used to track historical developments in the markets for bio-based chemicals and the demand for feedstocks and enables the construction of the BioMAT model to make future projections.

BioSAMs EU Member States - 2010

EU Member States' Social Accounting Matrices 2010, with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy. Estimated by JRC (2018)
Published: 08/06/2018 | Updated: 16/02/2021

BioSAMs EU Member States - 2015

EU Member States' Social Accounting Matrices 2015, with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy. Estimated by JRC (2021)
Published: 08/03/2021 | Updated: 10/05/2021

Chemical and material biorefineries in the EU

Dashboard of chemical and material biorefineries in the EU, including bio-based chemicals, bio-based composites and fibres, and others; comparison of EU and non-EU biorefineries.
Published: 13/04/2021

Chemical and material biorefineries outside the EU

Dashboard of chemical and material biorefineries outside the EU, including bio-based chemicals, bio-based composites and fibres, and others. Comparison with EU biorefineries.
Published: 13/04/2021

Food consumption in West Africa

This dashboard provides information on food consumption of households in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.
Published: 28/08/2024

Food Price Crowdsourcing Africa

“Food Price Crowdsourcing Africa” (FPCA) is a research project for understanding food price changes along the food chain while strengthening agricultural and market information systems through mobile phone technology and citizens' participation.
Published: 12/03/2019 | Updated: 23/07/2019

FOODSECURE - Food and nutrition security in long term perspective

Study (FOODSECURE project - 2017) measuring food and nutrition security and sustainability in long-term projection, up to 2050. Simulations are based on four scenarios of the future, grouped along two dimensions of equality and sustainability.
Published: 24/05/2017

FPCA-II. Food Price Crowdsourcing Africa-expansion

FPCA - From mobile app-based crowdsourcing to crowd-trusted food prices in Nigeria: statistical pre-processing and post-sampling.
Published: 05/01/2023

FTA - Free trade agreements study - 2016

Study (JRC - 2016) consisting in an analysis of the cumulative potential impact of ongoing and upcoming trade negotiations on the EU agricultural sector.
Published: 21/02/2017 | Updated: 19/03/2019

FTA - Free trade agreements study - 2021

Study (JRC - 2021) consisting in an analysis of the cumulative potential impact of ongoing and upcoming trade negotiations on the EU agricultural sector.
Published: 26/01/2021 | Updated: 26/01/2021

FTA - Free trade agreements study - 2024

Study (JRC - 2024) consisting in an analysis of the cumulative potential impact of ongoing and upcoming trade negotiations on the EU agricultural sector.
Published: 22/02/2024 | Updated: 22/02/2024

Methane’s contribution to agricultural emissions and climate change

Transiency of methane reduces burden of agricultural emission mitigation policies while increasing effectiveness of low-meat diets
Published: 13/12/2021 | Updated: 13/12/2021

MSY management of fisheries

Study that analyses the impacts of different fish stock management schemes on catches and the global agri-food markets. This dataset includes the data and code related to the paper
Published: 20/01/2025

New genomic techniques

Review of market applications of new genomic techniques (NGTs). For the purposes of this study, NGTs are defined as ‘techniques that are able to alter the genetic material of an organism, developed after the publication of EU Directive 2001/18/EC’.
Published: 29/04/2020

OLD EU-28 estimated agricultural balance sheets including UK

Last, frozen, version of the "EU estimated agricultural balance sheets" including the United Kingdom. It includes residual declarations of UK up to 2019, collected until spring 2021.
Published: 12/04/2023

Phytosanitary measures: responses to questionnaires in support of Commission’s reports to European Parliament and Council

Explore the responses received to the stakeholder consultation on the five main areas for which the Plant Health Regulation (EC 2016/2031) introduced change to phytosanitary measures for imports into the Union territory and for movements within the Union
Published: 07/02/2022

Plan Sénégal Emergent 2019-2023

Arguments scientifiques à l'appui d'options politiques en faveur du secteur agricole pour la deuxième phase du Plan Sénégal Emergent (PSE) et de son Plan d'Actions Prioritaires (PAP) en 2019-2023.
Published: 26/02/2019 | Updated: 15/01/2024

Potential effects of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on African agri-food sectors and food security

This report complements previous continental economy-wide assessments of the impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) by providing a more comprehensive description of the trade agreement’s effects on food systems and food security.
Published: 24/11/2021

Potential impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area on agri-food sectors and food security in Ghana

DEMETRA CGE results of the ex-ante assessment of AfCFTA impacts on the Ghanaian economy
Published: 04/10/2024

Precision farming questionnaire

Questionnaire to identify existing or potential solutions to integrate precision farming systems into small (<5 ha) and medium-sized (≥5 ha and <50 ha) holdings with the aim of reducing chemical pesticide use and risk. Deadline: 11th November 2022.

RJOC - Ethiopia

Study that provides quantitative evidences supporting policy options for the Rural Job Opportunity Creation Strategy (RJOCS) in Ethiopia
Published: 26/11/2019

SAM - Ethiopia - 2015/16

Social Accounting Matrix for Ethiopia for 2015/16, estimated by JRC (2020)
Published: 08/01/2020

SAM - Ghana - 2015

Social Accounting Matrix for Ghana for 2015, estimated by JRC (2021)
Published: 31/05/2021

SAM - Nigeria - 2019

Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria for 2019, estimated by JRC (2024)
Published: 14/02/2025

SAM - Tanzania - 2015

Social Accounting Matrix for Tanzania for 2015, estimated by JRC (2023)
Published: 31/01/2024

Scenar 2030 - Pathways for the European agriculture and food

Study (JRC - 2017) analyzing the impact on the agricultural sector of stylised scenarios, reflecting the main drivers of policy debate, providing a framework for further exploration of the process of designing the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Published: 18/12/2017

SUPREMA - SUpport for Policy RElevant Modelling of Agriculture

Model outcomes produced by the Horizon 2020 project SUPREMA (SUpport for Policy RElevant Modelling of Agriculture) consisting in baselines, agricultural policy scenarios, climate change scenarios.
Published: 22/07/2020 | Updated: 22/07/2020

Survey: covid effects on agricultural-food supply chain

The JRC launched a survey in July 2019 to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU’s agricultural-food supply chain - from farm to fork. The survey was running till 15th January of 2021. Find here the dashboard of the results.
Published: 14/07/2020 | Updated: 29/03/2021

Survey: innovation and sustainability in agrifood businesses

The European Commission's has launched the IN-PACT project with CARTIF Technology Centre on how agri-food businesses innovate products and practices to move towards a more sustainable EU agri-food sector.
Published: 02/02/2022

Survey: questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices (UTPs)

DG AGRI - JRC survey carried on between 07/09/2020 and 28/02/2021 about unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain - Directive (EU) 2019/633.
Published: 21/04/2021 | Updated: 15/11/2023

Survey: questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices (UTPs) - 2nd wave

DG AGRI - JRC survey carried on between 11/10/2021 and 21/03/2022 about unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain - Directive (EU) 2019/633.
Published: 28/04/2022 | Updated: 15/11/2023

Survey: questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices (UTPs) - 3rd wave

DG AGRI - JRC survey carried on between 19/12/2022 and 15/04/2023 about unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain - Directive (EU) 2019/633.
Published: 16/05/2023

Survey: questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices (UTPs) - 4th wave

DG AGRI - JRC survey carried on between 01/12/2023 and 17/03/2024 about unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain - Directive (EU) 2019/633.
Published: 22/03/2024

Survey: questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices (UTPs) - 5th wave

DG AGRI - JRC survey carried on between 16/09/2024 and 20/12/2024 about unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain - Directive (EU) 2019/633.
Published: 20/12/2024

Sustainable Cocoa Event 2022

Sustainable Cocoa Side-Event @ 2022 FAO Science & Innovation forum
Published: 19/09/2022

The impacts of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area on the Kenyan economy

The report contains a country-level analysis regarding the African Continental Free Trade Area impacts on the Kenyan economy. It presents a detailed assessment of the free trade area effects on economics sectors, households and government revenue.
Published: 15/02/2022

The impacts of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area on the Nigerian economy

The dataset contains the DEMETRA CGE results of the ex-ante assessment of AfCFTA impacts on the Nigerian economy
Published: 03/09/2024

The impacts of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area on the Tanzanian economy

The report contains a country-level analysis regarding the African Continental Free Trade Area impacts on the Tanzanian economy using the JRC-DEMETRA model
Published: 21/03/2024
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