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New EU SAMs referring to 2015

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The EC's Data/Modelling platform for agro-economic research (DataM) is glad to release the new version of the EU Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) referring to year 2015 and dubbed “BioSAMs”, since a set of highly disaggregated bio-based sector account splits were constructed.

This work aims maintaining the temporal relevance of this approach, already adopted in 2018 with the BioSAM 2010, that remains available in the web platform.

The study has been prepared in collaboration among researchers affiliated to the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), CITA (Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria) of Aragón, Spain, and the University of Seville, Spain.


CITA Universidad de Sevilla JRC

Data and dashboard

This product is included in the DataM sections for Agriculture & economics and Bioeconomy

The individual SAM of the EU's 27 Member States + the EU27 aggregated SAM are available in a dashboard allowing the download in traditional matrix format, or in flat CSV data accessible by query or bulk download.

Also, the DataM tool to simulate the impact in employment of demand (export) changes, the jobs calculator, is updated for using data of the new SAMs. 


Title: BioSAMs 2015 - Estimation and basic considerations


Authors: Philippidis, G; Mainar-Causapé, AJ

Journal: Publications office of the European Union

Abstract: In accordance with the European Commission definition (European Commission, 2018), the Bioeconomy encompasses not only on primary sectors that employ and produce biological resources, but also those activities that depend on biological resources to generate value added products (i.e., food, feed, materials and energy). With its ubiquitous presence across the economy, a closed circular accounting database covering the interlinking transaction flows between firms, households and foreign trade, offers unique analytical insights into the total and decomposed impact of the bioeconomy on economic growth and employment. To meet this challenge, for each of the EU member states and for the EU aggregate, a set of highly disaggregated bio-based sector account splits within the framework of a Social Accounting Matrix (dubbed “BioSAMs”) were constructed for the year 2010 (Mainar et al., 2018). To maintain the temporal relevance of this approach, this report carries out the same endeavour for the more recent year of 2015 that maintains the same disaggregation detail of agricultural and non-agricultural bio-based sectors. In addition, to ensure improved continuity of the database for future updates, the report also focuses on the use of a more systematic method of estimation based on the reconciliation of four main databases. Namely, (i) the CoCo database from the CAPRI model, (through the use of re-estimated AgroSAMs -Mueller et al., 2009), (ii) National Accounts and (iii) Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) from Eurostat and finally, (iv) the MAGNET model database.

Find the paper also in the DataM publications navigator

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