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Chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU and beyond

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The technical report "Chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU and beyond" is now on-line, providing further information on the interactive biorefinery dashboards for the EU and non-EU, available on the EC's Data/Modelling platform for agro-economic research (DataM).

The study has been prepared in collaboration among researchers affiliated to the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the Biomass Technology Group BV (BTG) and E4Tech


btg E4tech JRC


Title: Chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU and beyond


Authors: Baldoni, E, Reumerman, P, Parisi, C, Platt, R, Gonzalez Hermoso, H, Vikla, K, Vos, J, M’barek, R

Journal: Publications office of the European Union

Abstract: The bioeconomy contributes to the European Green Deal as a catalyst for systemic change. For the production of fossil-free materials for a climate-neutral future, chemicals and materials biorefineries constitute a key element. However, data on this innovative and central component of the bioeconomy are still scarce. Data scarcity limits the ability to inform policy-making and to take evidence-based decisions for the development of the bioeconomy. To limit this data gap, this report presents a database of chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU and in selected non-EU countries. This work builds from the JRC database of bio-based industries and extends it by providing details on the value chains of biorefineries and by allowing international comparisons. The content of the database is presented through two online publicly accessible dashboards. The functioning of the interactive visualizations of the dashboards and some main insights on the presence and composition of this critical sector of the bioeconomy are presented.


Title: Chemical Biorefineries EU


Title: Chemical Biorefineries Non EU



You can find this dashboard and publication in the DataM section for: Bioeconomy

Find the paper also in: the DataM publications navigator