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"The resilience dashboards provide forward-looking, holistic insights into capacities & vulnerabilities, helping us shape our decisions." (Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič)
The resilience dashboards are a new digital tool of the European Commission to help EU countries monitor their resilience.
This will further help EU countries identify their strengths and vulnerabilities when it comes to navigating the green and digital transitions, facing challenges and coping with potential shocks.
This is a corporate production of the European Commission. DataM is honored to have contributed for the implementation of the web tool for the Europa website 👉!XWqtpj
The tool in the Europa site, find it also in DataM in the new Resilience section
DataM bulk data files for the heatmap, synthetic indices, and timelines
DataM interactive queries for the heatmap, synthetic indices, and timelines
The report and appendix page
The news on the EU science hub
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