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2nd PANAP meeting during the CAADP-PP 2021 event.

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Thanks to the kind invitation from the AUC - Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission (AUC-DARBE), the 2nd PANAP meeting has been included as a side event into the coming CAADP-PP 2021 meeting, planned at 24 26 November 2021. This important AU initiative will bring the PANAP partners’ activities to the attention of the 43 African countries that have joined CAADP, as a policy framework to accelerate agriculture led growth, to improve food security and nutrition as well as increasing incomes in Africa’s largely agriculture-based economies.

AUC-DARBE in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), are pleased to confirm that the 2nd PANAP meeting on "Economic Impacts of Agri-Food Policies" will be held on-line on 25 November 2021, from 11:00 to 13:00 EAT.

The main objective of the meeting is to take stock of the progress made in executing the agenda of PANAP since its inception in November 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting will provide a platform for PANAP members (researchers and research institutions) to share experiences in implementing the goals of the Network, including reports on activities carried out, and discuss on future projects. The participants will also share and reflect on the outcomes of the 4th AU-EU Agriculture Ministerial Conference on Partnership for sustainable agriculture and food system held on 22 June 2021. Gathering a range of specialists in agricultural economics and food and nutrition security, the meeting will represent an opportunity to stimulate the debate on the use of sound quantitative economic methods/tools for the design of evidence based analysis of policies and strategies addressing food and nutrition security challenges, mainly on Africa.

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