The event
As announced by the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), the 2020 Science Forum South Africa (SFSA), took place on a virtual platform presented in partnership with the CSIR International Convention Centre (ICC), from Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 December 2020.
Participation in the forum was open to all and free of charge.
The PANAP session
The session "Pan African Network for economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) results" took place on Thursday 10 December between 09:00-10:30 (GMT+1). Download agenda
Welcome and Introduction
JRC – Dr. Alan Belward (deputy Director JRC, Institute of Sustainable Resources); Giampiero Genovese (JRC-Sevilla, Head of Unit, Economics of Agriculture).
AU-DREA – Dr. Simplice Nouala Fonkou; Mrs. Beatrice Egulu.
FARA – Dr. Irene Annor Frempong.
Studies and presentations
Potential Effects of the Af-FTA, presenter: Dr. Emanuele Ferrari, JRC. Download
COVID-19 impacts and economic recovery in Kenya, presenter: Dr. Joshua Laichena - Policy Analyst, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), Productive Sector Department - Directorate of Integrated Development. Support: Victor Nechifor, JRC. Download
Policy impact analysis in Niger using an Individual Farm Level model, presenter: Dr. Halidou Doudou Harouna (Economist, Department of Studies and Prospective, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Niger). Support: Dr. Pascal Tillie, JRC. Download
Impacts of the COVID-19 crises on rural household in Côte d’Ivoire: insights from a phone survey, presenter: Mr. David Boti, Institut National de la Statistique, Côte d’Ivoire. Download
Impact the input subsidy programme in Senegal. Insights from ex-ante analysis and setting of ex-post assessment. presenter: Dr. Aymeric Ricome, JRC; contribution by Dr. Sadibou Fall, Institut Sénégalais de Recherche Agricole (ISRA). Download
Using real-time crowdsourcing to assess CoVID-related impact on Food Security. Lessons learnt from a Pilot in Nigeria, presenter: Dr. Julius Adewopo, Geodata/Digital Innovation Consultant, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria. Support: Gloria Solano Hermosilla, JRC. Download
AUC-DREA - Dr. Simplice Nouala Fonkou; Beatrice Egulu.
Participants: Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa
FARA - Dr. Irene Annor Frempong, Dr. Kwaku Antwi.
Participants: Mr. Aggrey Agumya; Mr. Jonas Mugabe.
JRC - Giampiero Genovese; Sergio Gomez y Paloma.
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