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The brand new EU Biomass Flows tool (also known as “Biomass Sankey”) is available!

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We are very glad to announce the release of the brand new 2020 version of the EU Biomass Flows tool (also known as “Biomass Sankey"), a flagship product of DataM, the EC data portal of agro-economic Modelling also integrated in the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

The dataset stores harmonised data on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU compiled by the JRC Units contributing to the Biomass assessment study. This dataset mirrors the diagrams displayed in the interactive EU Biomass Flows tool that represent the flows of biomass for each sector of the bioeconomy, from supply to uses including trade. The tool enables deeper analysis and comparison of the different countries and sectors across a defined time series.


The "Sankey" dashboard

It is available in DataM at this URL: 

It is integrated within the European Commission's Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy at this URL:  


This new version of the  EU Biomass Flows tool is based on the software of the energy Sankey tool developed by Eurostat.


Scientific report

Title: Biomass flows in the European Union - EU Biomass Flows tool, version 2020


Authors: Gurría, P; González-Hermoso, H; Ronzon, T; Tamošiūnas, S; López-Lozano, R; García-Condado, S; Ronchetti, G; Guillén, J; Banja, M; Fiore, G; M'barek, R

Journal: Publications Office of the European Union

Abstract: The EU Biomass Flows tool provides a representation of harmonised data from the various Joint Research Centre (JRC) units contributing to the BIOMASS Assessment study of the JRC . It represents the flows of biomass for each sector of the bioeconomy, from supply to uses including trade. The diagram enables deeper analysis and comparison of the different countries and sectors across a defined time series. The former EU Biomass Flows tool was released in 2017 and has been used in multiple research activities and publications. Since its publication, the flexibility, analysis capabilities and user experience of the interactive tool have been improved. The new EU Biomass Flows tool was created based on the Energy Flows tool from Eurostat. The EU Biomass Flows tool displays biomass flows in Sankey diagrams and it relies on the methodology to extract and integrate data developed for the former EU Biomass Flows tool. The new tool offers also an increased granularity of data for some biomass types: crop and residue production can now be shown in crop categories, animal- and plant-based food can be disaggregated into their nutrients. It has also significantly improved the visualisation of the data in charts and graphs, as well as enabling visibility of the evolution over time. Finally, users can download the full or a partial set of data. In this document, we summarise the sources and data transformation steps to create the database used to represent these biomass flows, as well as the main data gaps and challenges encountered. We also briefly discuss the main features and functionalities of the new EU Biomass Flows tool. Finally, we present some insights based on the represented data and potential future research opportunities.

Supporting organization(s): European Commission, DG RTD - DG for Research and Innovation, and the JRC - Joint Research Centre  

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