The JRC is pleased to inform about the release of the BioRegEU pilot dataset. This dataset provides estimates of employment and value added in the bioeconomy sectors for EU NUTS2 regions.
The aim of this dataset is to fill the data gap on the socioeconomic contribution of the bioeconomy at the subnational level, in light of the political momentum for the deployment of the bioeconomy in EU Member States (see “Conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy in the light of current challenges”, adopted in April 2023).
The estimates are prepared using an advanced version of the approach proposed by Lasarte-López et al. (2022). This method consists of a systematic combination of regional statistics from Eurostat and other official data sources, along with national output bio-based shares from the Jobs and Wealth in the European Union Bioeconomy (BMS-Jobs&Growth) dataset.
The period covered by the estimated indicators is 2008-2020.
The dataset can be accessed through a dashboard in the Data-Modelling platform of resource economics - DataM. As a technical documentation, the authors also published a report accompanying this dataset.
Although the analysis of the indicators provided by the BioRegEU dataset offers insights into the territorial distribution of bio-based activities at the EU level, it is still considered preliminary and requires further refinement.
In this sense, the authors of the BioRegEU pilot dataset invite users and interested parties to provide feedback on the accuracy of the overview drawn by the estimates and identification of potentially significant deviation from reality according to expert knowledge, as well as on potential improvements on data sources or methodologies.