DG AGRI has issued on 7th of October the "Autumn 2020" or Edition N°28 of "Short-term" - a short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets.
On 15th October, on the DataM website, the "DG AGRI-JRC – Production, trade and apparent use” dashboards and dataset are updated with the latest available data from COMEXT and this new edition of the Short Term Outlook.
DG AGRI and JRC are glad to announce a new section for Olive Oil (for the EU-27 version), where you will find information on trade, production, yield of olives for oil, yield of olive oil and stock changes.
Please note that there has been a methodological change in the EU-27 version, which affects in particular trade figures for butter, spreads and butter oil. You can find the details on this methodological note.