All event material, including speach videos, slides, pictures, etc, is now available in the official page of the PANAP 2022 assembly in Ghana.
The Science and Partnership for Agriculture Conference is crafted to encapsulate broad-based partnerships at different levels to address key issues in Africa's agricultural research and innovation space. The conference hosts four continental initiatives supported by the European Union funding portfolios, IFAD, CRS, GCA, GRA, etc. The four key conferences will run simultaneously but independently.
- the 2022 Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture conference
- the LEAP4FNSSA General Assembly
- the 2022 scientific meeting of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP)
- the Knowledge Management for Agriculture Conference (KM4AGD)
The joint conference will provide the opportunity to leverage the participation of high-level individuals in Africa and European agriculture to jointly address pertinent emerging issues affecting the continent. The four conferences and their constituents will provide important technical and policy information form different engagements.
PANAP meeting
A hybrid (in presence and virtual participation) 3-day PANAP scientific meeting is proposed by the co-organizers, JRC and FARA, to be held in Accra (Ghana), and with the collaboration of AUC-DREA and DG.AGRI, DG.INTPA and EU Delegations to the African Union and to Ghana. The preliminary scheduling on 14-16 September 2022.
Objective and structure of agenda
The PANAP scientific meeting will be organized in 3 days with different objectives; namely:
In this day the stakeholders operating at different levels in agriculture (researches, university, policy makers, extension service, etc.) will discuss on the priorities and support PANAP could provide for a better policy definition.
The PANAP members will refer on the scientific activities carried out since the last meeting, the relevant results, policy relevance and applications, etc., as well as, and the future topics and organization of the network
Training, cases study, simulation, technical analysis and definition of common proposals will be the main focuses of the third day.
Clik on this link to download the detailed final agenda.
Register here in order to participate in the meeting: