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Update of "EU Biomass flows" data and dashboard, following new publication

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The "EU Biomass flows" sankey diagram and the related dataset have been updated.

The most important changes of this new release are focused on four areas:

  • Redesign of flows for the woody biomass sector, together with full refresh of data and extension to 2017
  • Refresh of fisheries and aquaculture data, extension to 2016
  • Refresh of agriculture and food data, extension to 2018
  • Integration of food waste flows, dataset 2008-2018
  • Migration to EU27 aggregation

We invite all users that have downloaded the data in the past to get this new version.

Technical report

This new data update follows the publication of the "EU Biomass Flows: update 2022".

Title: EU Biomass Flows: update 2022


Year: 2022

Authors: Gurría, P; González-Hermoso, H; Cazzaniga, NE; Jasinevičius, G; Mubareka, S; De Laurentiis, V; Patinha Caldeira, C; Sala, S; Ronchetti, G; Guillén, J; Ronzon, T; M'barek, R

Journal: Publications Office of the European Union

Abstract: The EU Biomass Flows tool is a visualisation, in the form of Sankey diagrams, of the flows of biomass for each sector of the bioeconomy, from supply to uses including trade. It displays the harmonised data from the various Joint Research Centre (JRC) units contributing to the BIOMASS Assessment study of the JRC. The diagrams enable deeper analysis and comparison of the different countries and sectors across a defined time series.The first version of the tool was published in 2017 and has been used in multiple research activities and publications. A new version was released in 2020 on new software. This new version offers improved analysis capabilities and a better user experience, as well as increased granularity of data for some biomass types. It relies on the methodology to extract and integrate data developed for the first biomass visualisation tool.In the past years, we have continued to improve on the data and design of the EU Biomass Flows tool. The most important changes of this new release will be focused on four areas: migration to EU27 aggregation, redesign of the flows for woody biomass Update of the data with the latest available years and visualisation of food waste flows.

Supporting organization(s): European Commission, DG RTD - DG for Research and Innovation, and the JRC - Joint Research Centre  

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