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Workshop on marketing standards

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The Joint Research Centre and the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission organised a joint online workshop on "Benefits and costs of EU marketing standards for agricultural products” on the 9th of September.

The objective of the workshop was to:

  1. discuss the future orientation of EU marketing standards (simplification vs complexity) and how changes could impact the functioning of the agri-food supply chain.
  2. understand the benefits and costs associated with the introduction of new marketing standards and their implementation across operators and national authorities.
  3. and see how marketing standards can promote a more sustainable production and consumption.

Contents of the workshop

The future of EU marketing standards in the agri-food supply chain

  1. Carlo Russo. What are the costs and benefits of EU marketing standards for operators in the agri-food supply chain? A theoretical explanation. Download
  2. Alberico Loi. What is the added value of EU marketing standards for the functioning of agri-food supply chains? Download
  3. Maria Christodoulou. Case study on costs and benefits of EU marketing standards in the hop sector. Download
  4. Marie Guyot. How can the revision of EU marketing standards enhance sustainable production in the egg and poultry sectors? Download
  5. Paul-Henri Lava. What are the opportunities and challenges for operators in the poultry sector in implementing EU marketing standards? Download

Moderator: Fabien Santini

Impact of EU marketing standards for agri-food products on consumers and intra/inter-national trade

  1. Jose Brambilla. Cost-effectiveness of marketing standards for business operators and international trade. Download
  2. Purity Naisho. Possible impacts of EU marketing standards for SMEs Download
  3. Annalisa Zezza. How can changes in EU marketing standards affect the rest of the world? Download
  4. Jill McCluskey. How marketing standards affect and are seen by consumers. Download
  5. Viera Baričičová. Possible impacts of EU marketing standards on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Download

Moderator: Alexander Stein

Conclusions and the way ahead

  1. Carlo Russo. Wrap-up and conclusion. Download

Moderator: Giampiero Genovese

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