The Joint Research Centre and the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission organised a joint online workshop on "Benefits and costs of EU marketing standards for agricultural products” on the 9th of September.
The objective of the workshop was to:
- discuss the future orientation of EU marketing standards (simplification vs complexity) and how changes could impact the functioning of the agri-food supply chain.
- understand the benefits and costs associated with the introduction of new marketing standards and their implementation across operators and national authorities.
- and see how marketing standards can promote a more sustainable production and consumption.
Contents of the workshop
The future of EU marketing standards in the agri-food supply chain
- Carlo Russo. What are the costs and benefits of EU marketing standards for operators in the agri-food supply chain? A theoretical explanation. Download
- Alberico Loi. What is the added value of EU marketing standards for the functioning of agri-food supply chains? Download
- Maria Christodoulou. Case study on costs and benefits of EU marketing standards in the hop sector. Download
- Marie Guyot. How can the revision of EU marketing standards enhance sustainable production in the egg and poultry sectors? Download
- Paul-Henri Lava. What are the opportunities and challenges for operators in the poultry sector in implementing EU marketing standards? Download
Moderator: Fabien Santini
Impact of EU marketing standards for agri-food products on consumers and intra/inter-national trade
- Jose Brambilla. Cost-effectiveness of marketing standards for business operators and international trade. Download
- Purity Naisho. Possible impacts of EU marketing standards for SMEs Download
- Annalisa Zezza. How can changes in EU marketing standards affect the rest of the world? Download
- Jill McCluskey. How marketing standards affect and are seen by consumers. Download
- Viera Baričičová. Possible impacts of EU marketing standards on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Download
Moderator: Alexander Stein
Conclusions and the way ahead
- Carlo Russo. Wrap-up and conclusion. Download
Moderator: Giampiero Genovese
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