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Higher resilience of EU bioeconomy in 2020 - Update of the job and wealth dashboard

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The JRC is pleased to inform you about the update of the "Jobs and Wealth in the European Union Bioeconomy" dashboard, just after the EU Member States adopted the “Conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy in the light of current challenges with special emphasis on rural areas” (see news).

The dashboard is exposed both in the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy and Data-Modelling platform of resource economics - DataM. Underlying raw data is also available for query and bulk download.

Timeseries on turnover, value added, and employment in the bioeconomy have been extended up to 2020.

In 2020, the bioeconomy in the EU provided 17.2 million jobs in biomass producing and converting sectors, which is about 8.3% of total employment. The value added reached 665 billion EUR, corresponding to a share of 4.9% of the total value added. Compared to 4.75% in 2019, the bioeconomy as a whole has shown a higher resilience as the rest of the economy.

A new technical report, in collaboration with the nova-Institute, related to this data release is under finalization and will be announced in the KCB and DataM.


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