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2023 European Semester Spring Package: update of the Resilience Dashboards

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Following reference to the dashboards in several of the 2022 Country Reports, the 2023 European Semester Spring Package now incorporates the resilience dashboards in a dedicated annex to resilience (Annex 5), thus shedding light on strengths and areas for further improvement from a resilience perspective.

Data in the Resilience Dashboards web infographics were updated and aligned to indicators in the European Semester.

Data changes

The most recent version of the dashboards includes some additional refinements and adjustments to selected indicators, to further align the dashboards with the information set used in the Country Reports of the European Semester. Eurostat-based indicators were reloaded on 28th April 2023. 

Old data

We keep track of the former version of the dashboard (2022), that remains available through DataM at this link:

Versions story in DataM

29th November 2021 - 1st release

23rd May 2022 - yearly update

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