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Workshop on the impacts of the African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for the Nigerian economy

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On the 21st of February, JRC supported the activities of a workshop in Abuja focused on the impacts of the African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for the Nigerian economy. The workshop was held at the headquarters of PANAP partner, the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS - the only recognized body providing evidence for the Nigerian National Assembly). The event comprised a stakeholder intervention by representatives of the National Assembly, the Ministry of Agriculture, exporters associations, women’s employment associations and ECOWAS, giving their viewpoints on the unfolding of the AfCFTA in Nigeria. This session was then followed by an introduction of PANAP activities by Victor Nechifor (JRC), and a presentation by Oluwasola Omoju (NILDS) of the impact assessment led by NILDS with the support of the JRC. The last session was dedicated to an overview by Andrea El Meligi (JRC) of the 2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria, developed by the JRC, and to a short introduction by Victor Nechifor of the CGE model used in the analysis.

Read more on the event page

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