DG AGRI has issued on 30th of March the "Spring 2021" or Edition N°29 of the Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets.
The EU estimated agricultural balance sheets (also known as "DG AGRI-JRC – Production, trade and apparent use”) comes some weeks after, on the European Commission's Data/Modelling platform of agro-economics research (DataM) website, but integrating the new balance sheets for the Wine sector.
This version comes also with a renewed methodology following the end of the transition period for the UK in 2020.

DG AGRI launched a short EU survey which aims to discover more about readers of the short-term outlook and how it is used. This includes a questions on the DataM balance sheets in which you can express your say.
Find it at https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/STOSurvey2021