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EU BioSAMs - 28 Social Accounting Matrices with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy

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Following the publication of the scientific report BioSAMs for the EU Member States: Constructing Social Accounting Matrices with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy, the datasets for the 28 EU Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) can now be downloaded from the EC agro-economic portal DataM in CSV format. Furthermore, an interactive dashboard to analyse the data and to download the SAM's in traditional matrix format is also available.

The bio-based economy will be crucial in achieving sustainable development, covering all ranges of natural resources. In this sense, it is very relevant to analyse the economic links between the bioeconomic sectors and the rest of the economy, determining their total and decomposed impact on economic growth. One of the major problems in carrying out this analysis is the lack of information and complete databases that allow analysis of the bioeconomy and its effects on other economic activities. To overcome this issue, highly disaggregated (in biobased and agriculture sectors) Social Accounting Matrices of the 28 European Union member states (and one EU28 aggregate) have been estimated.

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