Study made in collaboration among researchers affiliated to the Biomass Technology Group BV (BTG) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Title: Getting your hands dirty: A data digging exercise to unearth the EU's bio-based chemical sector
Authors: Baldoni, E; Philippidis, G; Spekreijse, J; Gurría, P; Lammens, T; Parisi, C; Ronzon, T; Vis, M; M'barek, R
Journal: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
Abstract: Under the auspices of the EU's new Circular Economy Action Plan and Bioeconomy Strategy, the usage of sustainably renewable biomass for bio-based chemicals is a part-solution for addressing the multidimensional challenges of (inter alia) growth and employment, food and energy security, climate change and biodiversity. Unfortunately, the lack of a formal system of European data classification and collection presents a major obstacle to measuring, monitoring and ex-ante modelling of the bio-based chemicals sector, which clouds the ability to make science-based policy and legislative judgements. Employing a combination of different data sources and plausible assumptions, this paper seeks to overcome some of these data gaps through the compilation of a meaningful set of economic and sustainability indicators for specific bio-based chemical activities and products. Due to the variety of data sources employed for each indicator, a data quality index is constructed, whilst rigorous comparisons with other studies and further critical discussion reaffirms the general observation of poor data quality. Subject to these data and methodological limitations, this paper analyses the performance of bio-based chemical industries. As long as official data sources lack adequate information systems, the current paper serves as a springboard for lowering the data ‘entry costs' behind this intricate sector, encouraging further knowledge-sharing and serving as a replication template for other regions.
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