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About this site

Policy context

Economic models and analytical tools are widely employed by the European Commission for multidisciplinary policy analysis.

Research in resource economics has vast policy implications related in particular to a key Commission priority, the European Green Deal.

This scientific area is related to EU policymaking for topics such as the Common Agricultural Policy, sustainable production and consumption, climate change, food security, food safety, the role of the bioeconomy in our society, international trade, and international partnership with developing countries.

DataM is a Commission’s platform for management and analysis of data and output from models addressing issues of resource economics and sustainability. It links the process of knowledge production with the need to provide open data access and communicate the results in a user-friendly way through the web.

Besides opening the access to raw data, this portal offers dashboards for self-analysis of the results, used as modern on-line complement in more and more scientific papers of these fields.

Open data and dashboards are integrated in a knowledge-base that includes information on related events, publications, partners, projects, and on modelling tools.

Communication role & web partnerships

The cross-sectorial nature of the analysis of sustainable resources, connects this portal with other web platforms of the Commission.

For the European agri-food sector, DataM is the web location for economic studies assessing the impact of key policy changes (e.g., CAP evolution, free trade agreements, etc..) and for key datasets like the EU estimated agricultural balance sheets, the commodity flows of the Medium-term agricultural Outlook, and the EU BioSAMs.

The sections dedicated to the "Integrated modelling platform for agro-economic commodity and policy analysis" (iMAP) and to food chain can be seen as scientific partner for the agri-food data portal provided by the European Commission's Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate General.

In collaboration with African Institutions and partners, and the European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships, DataM implements the website of the “Pan-African Network for economic Analysis of Policies” (PANAP).

The European Commission’s Knowledge for Policy platform (K4P) supporting the scientific evidence-based policymaking, exposes contents of DataM within the concerned Knowledge Centres. This is the case, for example for the one-stop-shop websites for Bioeconomy and Global Food and Nutrition Security.

DataM is integrated with the JRC data catalogue and links to the Modelling Inventory and Knowledge Management System of the European Commission (MIDAS).

Outside the Institutions, DataM is reciprocally linking with many partners’s sites such as those dedicated to model tools, research institutes, Horizon projects.