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New simplified agricultural balance sheets estimating the apparent use

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DG AGRI and JRC publish and will keep updated in DataM the “DG AGRI-JRC – Production, trade and apparent use” dataset.

This dataset combines trade data from Eurostat COMEXT database and DG AGRI's short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets to provide historic data on agricultural production, trade and an estimate of apparent use.

DG AGRI, in the Short-term outlook, prepares regularly EU balance sheets for the main agricultural commodities, as well as production, area and yield figures at Member State level, but an estimate of Member States annual consumption was missing, since Eurostat stopped collecting and publishing balance sheets. This dataset fills partially the gap with a rough estimate of apparent use, without detailing the different uses (food, feed, processing), losses or changes in stocks. This apparent use cannot be taken at face value as the consumption level, also because the calculation relies on trade statistics between EU Member States which are less reliable than extra-EU trade figures.

The dataset is available in CSV format and will be updated 3 times per year, at every new release of the DG AGRI Short-term outlook.

The dataset is accompanied by an interactive dashboard, which allows a wide exploration of data. A set of graphs and charts is displayed according to countries, years and products selected by the user. The tool is not only thought to provide average trends, but also to answer specific ad hoc questions on a particular Member State.

technical report explaining the methodology and caveats is available. 

This is considered as a beta version: user feedback is welcome to further improve our dashboard.

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