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The 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook report and data.

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The 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook conference took place on 16 and 17 December 2020 as an online conference.

This year’s edition reflected on the lessons learnt from the Covid-19 crisis and looked at the pathways to a green recovery. It also offered an opportunity to present and discuss the results of the foresight study on the “Farmers of the future”.

The event is the continuity of the previous EU Agricultural Outlook conferences organised since 2014.

The EU Outlook conference has now become a successful annual event for broad exchanges among stakeholders on the market prospects, including the political framework and uncertainties surrounding market developments in the next ten years. Each year the conference coincides with the publication of the

Official page:


Facts and figures

Official fact and figrures page: 


Executive summary:

Figures (PDF): 

Figures (Excel):

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