How to embed a DataM dashboard in your website
DataM facilitates the embedding of its public dashboards within other websites as an iframe. This means the DataM dashboard can nicely appear as-if part of a 3rd party website.
Legal framework - Intellectual Property
For European Commission websites, no particular attentions to legal aspects are needed, to embed DataM contents.
For non EC websites, copyright aspects of each DataM dashboard can be accessed through the "info" icon, giving information about the specific licence.
In most of DataM contents, the European Commission Reuse and Copyright Notice applies: the Commission's reuse policy is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents and unless otherwise indicated (e.g. in individual copyright notices), contents owned by the EU on DataM are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.
This means that reuse is allowed, provided appropriate credit is given and changes are indicated.
For example, the web page of a website that embeds a DataM dashboard may indicate as caption of the frame: "Dashboard powered by DataM - The European Commission's Data/Modelling platform for resource economics -"
Technical specifications
Each dashboard of DataM has a standard URL:
The URL to embed is:
The no-header=1 parameter is optional but allows to nicely embed the dashboard without the header and footer of the DataM website.
Therefore, the html instruction in the external website could be:
<iframe src="" height="h" width="w"/>
or, if you want to manage the exception of a browser not able to show an iframe (rare):
<iframe src="" height="h" width="w">
Your browser does not support iframes. <a target=_blank href="">Click here</a> to view the content.
The DataM dashboard "Jobs and wealth in EU bioeconomy" is accessible in the DataM website under Sections -> Bioeconomy -> Data and Dashboards, or at this direct URL:
The iframe-ready URL is (you can click on it!):
You can see the embedding in action in another website, the EC knowledge centre for bioeconomy under Topics -> Economy, or at this direct URL:
Responsiveness, ergonomics
All DataM dashboards adapt automatically to any device
In the choices of the iframe height, you need to care of certain multiple-tabs DataM dashboards, where each tab can have a different height. Should the iframe be shorter, an inner scroll-bar would appear. Should the iframe be higher, a white space on the bottom would appear, which could be annoying if the iframe is not the bottom part of the embeding page.
To solve this issue it's is suggested to use Frame component from the Webtools Smart Loader for responsive iframe integration.
Continuity. A website embedding a DataM dashboard has to accept the service quality level of DataM as-it-is. The European Commission has the interest to keep its websites up and running "24/7", however maintenance operations and unforeseen circumnstances can be reasons of occasional disservices.
Time horizon. Public dashboards of DataM are in general related to open datasets wiht a persistent ID, and are often cited in publications. There is therefore interest in keeping their URL valid along the time. Even in rare cases of change of URL, for the extent of possible, a mechanism of redirection from the old URL to the new one, is established.
Some relevant embedded pages
Page | DataM URL | Site | Page |
Resilience Dashboards | | European Commission, official website - European Commission | Resilience Dashboards - European Commission |
Jobs and wealth in EU bioeconomy | | EC Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre | Economy |
Usage statistics
If a DataM dashboard is embeded in another website, the accesses are still accounted in the DataM Usage Statistics
A special page is dedicated to the statistics of accesses through embeded pages, even though they are un underestimation since the browser requiring the embeded page, may or may not specify the URL of the embeder.
Embedding other JRC dashboards (not from DataM)
A technical mechanism similar to DataM is applicable to other dashboards of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre that are published under:
by using in iframes the URL:
Please note that you need first to contact the author of the dashboard for checking specific conditions of copyright, reusability and citation.
For any questions or assistance, please contact mailbox.